Wspólnie stawiamy czoła wyzwaniom transportu.
Wspólnie stawiamy czoła wyzwaniom transportu.
Here you will find the answers to most important questions.
If you need additional information, please contact us.
Interviews are conducted at the company's headquarters or online via MS Teams. We respect your time, which is why we guarantee punctuality and our preparation regarding the application documents you have submitted.
The recruitment interview is usually conducted by one person from the recruitment team and one person from the team you are applying to.
Remember that you are completing the case study solely for the purposes of the recruitment process. We guarantee that the content of the task will not be used commercially. However, if we want to base our work on your solution – we will pay you for it.
Yes, each candidate receives feedback from us after the process along with the decision. Depending on the stage of the process, this information may be communicated to you via email or phone.
Yes, at DONE there is an option for remote work. Some teams work in a hybrid model, especially those commuting from far away. You will determine the conditions and the possibility of remote work together with your supervisor.
Damian Misiek, CEO and CO-Founder (LinkedIn)
Teodor Kula, Chief Business Development Officer (LinkedIn)
Marek Sablik, CIO & CFO (LinkedIn)
Karolina Batko-Jeż, Chief People & Culture Officer (LinkedIn)
Bartosz Baca, Chief Product Officer (LinkedIn)
Are You Ready to Join the Team? :)
A person who is eager to work. They are not discouraged by setbacks and understand that success requires time and consistency. They possess ambition, value development, and are not afraid of working from the ground up. They are open to feedback and ready for change. They can not only achieve but also be a great team member, respectful and supportive.
Individuals for whom development is too much effort to undertake. They treat feedback as unnecessary criticism, not as correction and an opportunity for change. Demotivated complainers who display a sense of entitlement and wait for every solution to be provided to them. People who do not adapt to change and do not want to be part of technological development.