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E-commerce as an opportuniy to grow your business with DONE!


The new situation creates new opportunities. Although it caused a big turbulence in economy and supply chains, we consider it definitely as the right moment to strengthen business activities in e-commerce industry. Together we can intensify our  current activities and participate in the growth of the e-commerce market.

Our lives and contacts have recently shifted to the web world. That is why the e-commerce market has accelerated dramatically providing opportunities for expansion and development, and it is up to us how we will use these opportunities.

We are working hard to further increase the scope of deliveries in online sales at the same time helping our Clients to secure their supply chains in today difficult circumstances. Our express transport solutions help to fill the loophole in the logistic chains affected by the situation caused by Coronavirus and bring more possibilities when it comes to supporting peak time in e-commerce.

In terms of e-commerce, we are expertized in first mile transport solutions. As a priority, we handle orders for transporting food, medical devices — hospital beds, gloves or masks, cleaning products and other essential items, for which the demand is growing in relation to the needs of residents and the situation of the given country.

The following graphic illustrates the scope of our activities in the e-commerce sector. Our vehicles are available all over the Europe.

We provide transport services fully adapted to e-commerce dynamic needs without any necessity for long-term contracts:

Do you want to expand your e-commerce delivery activities with us? You have an access to contacts from the industry but at the same time you have a lot of questions, concerns and doubts?

Our Customer Care department will be happy to help and explain exactly what cooperation in this market is about.

We guarantee professional telephone consultancy: + 48 570 086 900
You can also write us an email at sales@donedeliveries.com. 


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